Q: Where's Frank?

A: Most people know me as Frank, which is a nickname. In releasing a book, I opted to use my first and middle name as my nom de plume. 


Q: Where's He Was Moved?

A: In Open Hands (Be Informed, starting on page 163), I mention another book tentatively titled He Was Moved. It's in progress. I've conducted a lot of research and have finished a few chapters, but it is a long way from ready. I would love to get feedback from Open Hands that can guide and encourage me to complete He Was Moved.


Q: Will there be an audiobook?

A: I've started that process! It should be available by the end of May 2023. It will be available on Amazon.


Q: What took so long?

A: I started Open Hands in 2001. I'd write a bit, then lose interest ... it spent a lot of time on the back burner with occasional bursts of productivity. 

Those bursts almost always coincided with phone calls to my mom. She'd ask how it was going and those conversations usually prompted me to get back to work. She would proofread chapters as I finished them, and she offered great feedback as well. When she passed away in 2021, I was disappointed with myself for not finishing it before it was too late. Open Hands is dedicated to her. I love you, mom!


Email: mailto:author@davidfranklin.site
